I’d Rather Be Crocheting

Howdy, howdy! How is everyone doing? I’m still procrastinating on my writing, but I’ve started crocheting again. It’s not exactly what I should be doing. I know. I’m still keeping up with everything else (reading, submitting, querying, blogging, etc.), it’s just the actual writing I’ve been avoiding. Shame on me. But I’m having more fun playing with yarn than the computer. Granted, I’m not doing it every day, so it’s not like I don’t have time to write. No excuses. I’m just lazy. Anyway, I thought I’d use this post to update you on my crochet progress and make a list of other projects I want to work on.

My first little Lost Soul

1. Lost Soul Shawl by Maryetta Roy. Yes, I’m still working on this because of my random tendency to quit things for weeks (sometimes months) at a time. I’m opening up for the 10th set of skulls. I’ll see how big it is at the end of this set and maybe stop there. But I am starting to see the end and it’s encouraging me to finish it. There will be pictures after it’s done and blocked, before it’s shipped off to my ever patient friend. I’m not saying it’ll get finished any time soon, but it’s getting there.

Borrowed from the pattern linked below.

2. The Lakeside Beanie from 5 Knots North. The very first thing I started was a crappy beanie for Dad that requires sewing (meaning I’m never going to finish it). Since I’ve been working on the shawl, I’ve been looking into top-down and bottom-up hats that don’t require any real sewing. I’ll probably unravel the rectangle I made Dad and try this pattern whenever I finish the shawl. Then, I have to find a pattern and yarn to make myself a hat. Hopefully small projects will be easier to complete.

Borrowed from Wickedly Handmade’s Ravelry site linked below

3. The Wickedly Hooded Pocket Shawl by Andrea Williams at Wickedly Handmade. This one would be for me. Jackets and hoodies are annoying because I rarely put my arms in the sleeves unless I’m going to be outside for an extended period of time, so they don’t lay right on me. But maybe a straight back shawl would drape better and offer the same warmth as a hoodie without the pesky sleeves adding extra bulk. Plus, there’s a hood and pockets. How cute is that? But it’s another big undertaking, so I’ll probably procrastinate for a while.

Borrowed from Hooked on Homemade Happiness’s Ravelry site linked below.

4. The Urban Chic Cocoon Sweater by Breann Mauldin at Hooked on Homemade Happiness. I don’t know why, but I really like this pattern. I wouldn’t wear it because I don’t like layering clothes, so I’d have to think of someone to make it for, but I want to try making it eventually. She has a lot of cute patterns (many available for free on her website). There are a lot of beanies, so I’ll probably procrastinate with some of those before I try this one.

Borrowed from the website linked below.

5. The Pretty in Peplum Sweater from Okie Girl Bling ‘n’ Things. It’s such a cute sweater and the yarn looks gorgeous. This would be another thing for me. It comes in a bunch of sizes and there’s no seaming required. It looks pretty easy, so it might be good as a first top. I’ll find out eventually!

I also want to try making socks, but I’ll have to get smaller hooks and get Dad to make long handles for them. What are some of your hobbies? Do you have some projects you want to work on eventually? As always, feel free to share your thoughts or comments here or on my social media pages!