Phantoms from the Sky: Shameless Self-Promotion

Time for Some Shameless Self-Promotion

Howdy, howdy! It’s that time again. Time for some shameless self-promotion. If you stalk me on Facebook or Twitter or Instagram, you already know, but just in case. My short story, The Water Horse, is out today in Dark Cheer: Cryptids Emerging Volume Silver. You can purchase it from Improbable Press, Amazon, or Barnes & Noble to name a few places. Please do check it out and leave reviews if possible! Until next week.

Shameless Self-Promotion: A Twofer

Hello, hello! How’s everyone doing today? Everything here is about the same as usual. It’s going to be another pretty short post this week, I’m afraid. If you stalk me on social media, you probably know all of this, but I’ll post it here anyway. I have two announcements about publications I have stories in.

First, my flash fiction piece “The Water Horse” will be appearing in the silver volume of Dark Cheer: Cryptids Emerging! It’s coming out in February, but you can pre-order now at the links above. It will be an amazing collection. I also know at least one of the authors in the blue volume, so I think that one will be wonderful as well. Please feel free to spread the word!

Second, the ebook of Love Letters to Poe: A Toast to Edgar Allan Poe is currently on sale until Friday! My flash fiction piece “Poisoned Honey and Pickled Pigs’ Feet” is in that one. There are some other neat things going on with this sale. I’ll share the details below. Reviews are encouraged if you have a few seconds. And again, feel free to spread the word!

For a limited time only, Love Letters to Poe: A Toast to Edgar Allan Poe is on sale for 99 cents. The price will go up to $4.99 after this Friday, so make sure to snag your copy now! Here.

The editor teamed up with Literarily Illuminating for a special treat – purchase their Poe candles this week & get a complimentary copy of the anthology. Check out their Etsy store now before they sell out! Here.

Win Virtual Tickets to Poe Fest! Buy Love Letters to Poe: A Toast to Edgar Allan Poe by this Friday and enter to win! Additional purchases (buy a copy for a friend!) will count as additional entries. IMPORTANT: Email your proof of purchase to to enter.

That’s the end of my announcements! I’ll be back next week with our regularly scheduled book review.

Another Round of Shameless Self-Promotion

Hello, hello! Can you believe it’s already May? But the good thing about May is that my flash fiction piece “Poisoned Honey and Pickled Pigs’ Feet” was just released in volume 1, issue 8 of Love Letters to Poe! You can buy a copy here with my story and three other lovely pieces, or you can subscribe to the newsletter to get a free copy of the first issue as well as weekly installments with stories from that month’s release and author interviews (mine goes out on the 6th, so sign up today!). I’ll also share a link to my story/interview on my social media pages Thursday or Friday for anyone who doesn’t sign up in time. And if you miss that, after the 6th just search for Love Letters to Poe wherever you get your podcasts and you’ll be able to listen to me read the story. No matter how you access it, please feel free to leave a review or rating on the GoodReads page!

Sorry for the short post. I’ll be back to our regularly scheduled randomness next week!

A Little Shameless Self-Promotion

Howdy, howdy!  First and foremost, I want to thank David Simms for his awesome guest post last week.  If you haven’t read it yet, you can do that here.  Part of Dave’s post discusses the necessity and difficulty of marketing our babies (stories).  So, I thought I would use that as an excuse for a bit of shameless self-promotion!  For those of you who haven’t stalked my social media pages lately, I have a short story coming out in Road Kill: Texas Horror by Texas Writers, Vol. 3.  It’s edited by E. R. Bills and is being published on September 29th by Hellbound Books.


When I received the acceptance notification, I had to read it a few times to make sure I wasn’t fooling myself.  I have to admit, I was super surprised and beyond happy to be chosen as part of this anthology.  Especially when the previous volumes contained stories by the likes of Joe. R. Lansdale and fellow Stonecoast alum, Bonnie Jo Stufflebeam.  Also, being included alongside all of the amazing authors in Vol. 3 is fantastic and a little terrifying (in the best possible way).  Unfortunately, I don’t have links to all of their websites and social media pages, so you’ll just have to buy the the book to learn more about them.

If you’re in Texas and interested in meeting some of the authors, I’m aware of two events at the moment.  Saturday, September 29th, Fleur Fine Books in Port Neches is hosting the official release event.  The following Saturday (October 6th), Murder by the Book in Houston is hosting a signing event.  You can find more information at their websites (linked above).

And if you want to buy the book, you can order the paperback version here.  The U.S. Kindle version can be ordered here.  The Canadian Kindle version is here.  And the U.K. Kindle version can be found here.  All of these links can also be found on Hellbound Books website (linked above).


What better way to start the Halloween season than with a collection of Texas-sized horrors?  Everything is creepier in Texas, after all.  If you’re not into Halloween, maybe it could be a stocking stuffer for all of your creepy friends (or from the creepy friend).  Anyway, if you do buy it (which would earn you my undying love because I’m weird like that), remember to let us know what you think with a quick Amazon review.  I, for one, would love to hear all your thoughts or comments, so if not on Amazon, at least come back here or go to my social media pages and write to me.


I think I’ll leave it at that!  Thank you for putting up with my shameless self-promotion.  I hope it has inspired you to check out Road Kill: Texas Horror by Texas Writers, Vol. 3.  If it has, please share this or any of the images and links with others who might be interested.

Next week, we’ll return to our regularly scheduled randomness!  Actually, it’s book review week next time (already?).  I will see you then!