Questions for My Readers

Hello, hello! How’s everyone doing? I’m okay, just a bit sad still. Lady (the doggo) died on Friday. She’d been sick for a couple of weeks. We found out she had congestive heart failure, but with meds, she seemed to be getting better for a week or so, then she got worse again and we couldn’t really do anything. We had an appointment with the vet that afternoon (originally it was to check her progress, but we had decided she would probably need to be put down), but she didn’t make it. So, yeah. I haven’t exactly been brimming with motivation since then (not that I had any before then either). I don’t even feel like writing a long blog post today, so I thought I would just ask for y’alls opinion regarding social media platforms.

R.I.P. to the happiest and lovingest doggo ever.

As you probably know, I post once a day, six days a week on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Between that and maintaining a website with up-to-date publications and being at least a little active on GoodReads, I can’t really think of anything else a writer needs. So, my main question for you is, as a reader (or a writer), what social media platforms do you feel are most important? Do I have a decent selection or should I include something like Pinterest or TikTok or any others you can think of? And lastly, if you prefer other platforms (or even if you have suggestions for my current pages), what kind of content would you like to see from me?

I’ll be back next week with our regularly scheduled book review. Until then, feel free to share your answers and thoughts here or on my social media pages!

Getting to Know Me

Hello, hello! I have nothing worth rambling about, so I thought I would just do one of those random “about me” questionnaires that spontaneously float around social media. Yes, I know all the warnings about people using these things to guess at your passwords and security questions, but I don’t care. None of these answers have anything to do with my passwords/security questions. Don’t waste your time. And if you do waste your time with it, well… I told you so. But seriously, I’m bored and enjoy filling these things out.

Since I probably won’t put any other images in this post, here’s a picture of me with a tail in my face after the doggo’s last grooming a couple of weeks ago.

1. Were you named after anyone?
Sean Connery (RIP) and Nichelle Nichols.

2. When was the last time you cried?
I’m not entirely sure. Probably the last time someone made me want to punch them in the throat. I’m an angry crier. Leave me alone.

3. Do you like your handwriting?
It’s legible. That’s all that matters. If I can easily reach the page and write at a proper angle, my writing is nice enough. If I have to write upside down or sideways, it’s crap but you can still read it.

4. What is your favourite lunch meat?
I don’t really have a favorite. If you mean the super processed stuff, we don’t eat that very often anyway. But I just like meat, so I wouldn’t have a favorite anyway.

5. Do you have kids?
Nope. I’ll just borrow some if I want the experience, that way I can give them back to their parents when I’m tired of them.

6. If you were another person, would you be friends with you?
Probably not. I’m kind of a dick. >__>

7. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
I don’t use sarcasm. I’m sarcasm incarnate.

8. Do you still have your tonsils?

9. Would you bungee jump?
No, not even if I could. Being a human yoyo doesn’t appeal to me.

10. What is your favourite cereal?
I don’t eat cereal, but I used to like Rice Chex. I guess I still do when it’s mixed with stuff and drizzled with chocolate. Oh, and I like rice krispie treats. Does that count?

11. Do you untie your shoes when you take them off?
Depends on the shoe. My Converse, yes. My boots, no because they also have zippers.

12. Do you think you are strong?
Physically? Nope. Emotionally? I have super strong and unhealthy coping mechanisms, so probably not.

13. What is your favourite ice cream?
Coffee? Cookies and cream? Both? Both. Both is good. Preferably mixed together.

14. What is the first thing you notice about people?
It really depends on whether they’re facing me or not and whether they’re sitting or standing. I should probably say something stupid and mysterious like their aura or vibe, but honestly… usually the ass. I’m at the perfect height for it. If they’re sitting, then probably their hair.

15. Red or pink?
Red. Dark red.

16. What is your least favourite thing about yourself?
Aside from everything? Uh… I guess that I don’t keep up with people even though I know I should. I’ve said it before. I’m a shit friend.

17. Who do you miss the most?
No one I’m willing to talk about.

18. What is your favourite tea?
Does boba count? I like tea, but I don’t drink it enough to have a favorite.

19. What colour shoes are you wearing?
Invisible? I’m not wearing any.

20. What was the last thing you ate?
Nuggets (catfish) and shrimp with a side of fried pickles. Mmm… be jealous. It’s okay.

21. What are you listening to right now?
The whoosh of my ventilator because I didn’t think to turn on the radio when I started working on this post.

22. If you were a crayon, what colour would you be?
Probably one of the glittery ones. I’m partial to the purples, but anything is fine as long as it’s sparkly.

23. Favourite smells?
Rain. Fresh cut wood. Old books. Roasting garlic.

24. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?
I don’t talk on the phone unless I absolutely have to, so probably Dad.

25. Mountain hideaway or beach house?
Beach. Ocean view, please.

26. Favourite sports to watch?
Sports are not my thing. Baseball is okay if I’m actually at the game. Is skateboarding still a thing? I don’t mind watching that. Dancing is okay too.

27. Hair colour?
Somewhere between blonde and brown, I guess.

28. Eye colour?

29. Do you wear contacts?
Nope. I don’t like being touched at the best of times. You really think I want someone jabbing their fingers in my eyes?

30. Favourite food?
Food in general. I just like to eat.

31. Scary movies or happy endings?
I don’t watch enough movies to have a strong preference either way, but I guess happy. I like my horror in book form.

32. Last movie you watched?
No idea. Troop Zero? I don’t remember any movies since then.

33. What colour shirt are you wearing?
Black with a red Oz logo. A Japanese band that’s no longer around.

34. Summer or winter?
Summer. Bring on the heat!

35. Hugs or kisses?
Like the candy? I’m on team Hugs. The actions? Please don’t.

36. Favourite dessert?
Creme brulee!

37. Strength training or cardio?
Cripple privilege allows me to not exercise and no one says anything about it.

38. Computer or television?
Computer. Always.

39. What book are you reading right now?
Open for Murder by Mary Angela for this month’s review post and HP and the Chamber of Secrets for fun.

40. What is on your mouse pad?
I don’t have one.

41. Any tattoos?
Not yet. But I want one.

42. Favourite sound?
I’ve never thought about this. Water sounds, I guess.

43. Rolling Stones or Beatles?

44. What is the farthest you’ve been from home?
Out of the places I remember, Wiscasset in Maine is around 1,900 miles from us, but so is Quebec, so one of those two places.

45. Do you have a special talent?
I can turn pretty much anything into something perverted, but otherwise no.

46. Where were you born?
A hospital.

47. Where are you living now?
The same place I have always lived.

48. What colour is your house?
If you had stalked me properly, you would know the answer to this question. Step your game up.

49. What colour is your car?
I don’t have a car.

50. Any pets?
A dog and a bunch of fish.

As always, feel free to share your thoughts and comments here or on my social media pages!

Less Screen Time: Pros and Cons

Howdy, howdy!  How is everyone doing this December?  Are you ready for whatever holiday you happen to be celebrating?  We aren’t planning on doing anything this year, so we’re pretty much prepared.  Anyway, I haven’t been doing much aside from reading and crocheting.  That means I don’t have much to talk about.  But it also means I’ve been away from the computer more often than usual.  It makes for a weird combination of good and bad.  So, I thought I would take a chance to ramble about some of the pros and cons I’ve noticed about being away from the screen.


Pro 1: Less social media drama.  Don’t get me wrong, I love lurking and seeing how everyone I know is doing, but I really like not getting sucked down all the flame war rabbit holes.  I still scroll through everything on a daily basis, but I find myself reading fewer comments because I’d rather go play with yarn than watch people argue.  It just seems like a better use of my time.

Con 1: Less socializing.  I don’t socialize enough as it is, but being away from the computer means that I don’t respond to Facebook messages right away.  I rarely respond to texts right away anymore, unless it’s important.  It’s just not as easy to multitask when my computer is in my room and I’m in the dining room.  So, sorry if I haven’t messaged you enough or in a timely manner.  I’m being worse than usual about it.


Pro 2: Yarn doesn’t judge me when I curse at it.  Try it.  You can say anything you want to yarn and the worst it will do is tangle itself up, which just results in more colorful language.  Say the wrong thing online and someone’s going to blow up at you whether you were talking to them or not.  Yarn is good.  Yarn doesn’t judge.  Be like yarn.

Con 2: Yarn won’t help you with stupid things.  As good a listener as yarn is, it won’t offer unhelpful solutions when you need a laugh.  That’s what my Interwebz friends are for, to send me stupid memes and GIFs when I’m in a funk.

And sometimes yarn curses back.

Pro 3: Finding new communities to be part of and learning people you already know are in those communities.  I’ve joined a few crochet and fiber arts groups only to discover people I already know are in them!  It’s actually kind of cool to join a group and realize you already have friends there.  Plus, it’s nice to have places to go and ask beginner questions and get a lot of feedback.

Con 3: The groups are online.  In other words, I join them and stalk them for a few minutes, then go back to the dining room.

Ultimately, I’m still on my computer a lot, but being away from it seems to be helping my mental health.  I don’t know if it’s just being away from the negativity of social media or if it’s doing something with my hands or a combination of the two, but I feel better (not as depressed and anxious as usual).  So, I think less screen time is good, but I still need it to socialize.

What are your thoughts on screen time and social media breaks and all that good stuff?  Feel free to leave your comments or thoughts here or on my social media pages!