Writing Challenge Turned Q&A

Hello again!  It’s that time of year again, where people start posting those weird “30 Day Writing Challenge” things.  They always sound like a fun idea and every time I see one, I say that I should do it, but then I read the “challenges.”  Honestly, they’re rarely creative and most often read as a list of Q&A topics.  So, since I’m running low on things to ramble about, I thought I’d post one of these challenges here and let you guys pick a number between 1 and 30 (only one number per person, so choose wisely)!  Each week, I’ll do one of the challenges you guys pick.  I can think of a few people who will participate, so this should keep me busy for a few weeks at least.

It was the first list Google came up with.  Pick a number and I’ll do the corresponding exercise!


To start this off randomly, I asked a friend to pick a number, but to be fair she had no idea why I asked and hadn’t seen the list, so she gets another number if she wants.  Anyway, she chose 29.  I suppose that means that I’m talking about my goals for next month!

Honestly, I don’t really plan that far ahead.  I have trouble making up weekly goals, let alone monthly.  I have my writing goals (which I’ve been struggling with).  I’m trying to write at least 4,500 words a week, so I’m aiming for around 18,000 words for April.  Otherwise, I want to post consistently on my author pages and of course do the weekly blog.  I also want to finish the book I’m reading in the next couple of weeks.  That’s about it, really.

Maybe I should use a Daruma doll for my goals.  I have a blank one somewhere.


If you’ve been stalking me, you know that I’m also trying to be better about keeping in touch with people.  It’s not an easy thing, but I’m going to keep working at it.  I did talk to someone last week about creating a daily goal calendar, though, so socializing does help!  I already keep track of my word count, but it hasn’t been a big motivator lately.  The daily goal calendar involves using stickers to denote certain achievements depending on what you want to accomplish and creating a key  (example: gold star = 500 words, blue dot = half an hour of reading, purple heart = an hour of family time, etc.), then marking down what you do each day.  I’m going to try to create a computer version for April to see if something visual like that helps me.

The example my friend sent me.


Anyway, my goals are basically the same as usual, but with a new way to keep track.  That’s all I really have to say on that.

What do you guys think about the whole picking a number thing?  If you’d like to choose one, comment here or find me on social media (Facebook, Twitter, or G+).  I’m looking forward to seeing who chooses what!

See if you next week!

5 thoughts on “Writing Challenge Turned Q&A

  1. First, I have to say I am looking forward to your posts based off this list. I like learning this sort of stuff about people.

    Secondly, it was a tough choice, but my choice is…: Day 8 (although I think I should stipulate that your answer should be about more than or something different from struggling with your writing goal. I’d love to learn something new. And it may inform on why you are struggling with your writing goals?)

    Finally, if you are ever feeling particularly in the mood to stretch yourself, you should try turning the challenge into a creative one. For example, the movie question…you could make your list of movies and then choose one to include in a story. Like maybe your characters are watching the movie and something strange happens, or they are watching a movie and having a discussion/fight at the same time but using their commentary on the movie instead of fighting directly. Or maybe the story is a new version of the movie. Or whatever. Or writing about a lesson you learned the hard way–maybe a character is learning that lesson, or fails because they didn’t learn it.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Day 8 it is! And since you were the first one to choose a number, it’ll be up next week!

      That’s a really interesting take on it. I suppose picking a character and answering these from his or her perspective would be insightful!


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